Heart Bones de Colleen Hoover9781398525030
  • Heart Bones de Colleen Hoover9781398525030

Heart Bones de Colleen Hoover

221,00 MAD
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Moving, passionate, and unforgettable, this novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover follows two young adults from completely different backgrounds embarking on a tentative romance, unaware of what the future holds.

After a childhood filled with poverty and neglect, Beyah Grim finally has her hard-earned ticket out of Kentucky with a full ride to Penn State. But two months before she’s finally free to change her life for the better, an unexpected death leaves her homeless and forced to spend the remainder of her summer in Texas with a father she barely knows.


Heart Bones de Colleen Hoover

221,00 MAD
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