Days at the Morisaki Satoshi Yagisawa

143,00 MAD
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The moving international sensation about new beginnings, human connection, and the joy of reading... Twenty-five-year-old Takano has never liked reading, although the Morisaki bookshop has been in her family for three generations. When Takano's boyfriend reveals he's marrying someone else, she reluctantly accepts her eccentric uncle's offer to live rent-free above the shop. As summer fades to autumn, the bookshop teaches them about life, love, and the healing power of books.


Days at the Morisaki...

143,00 MAD est votre librairie en ligne Maroc, Livraison partout au Maroc (casablanca, tanger, rabat, etc..) de vos livres favoris. Nous proposons un large choix de livres (english books, roman, mangas, etc..), : La librairie casablanca n°1 en ligne propose aussi des fournitures scolaires et de beaux-art, et un large choix de cartables et trousse (eatspak, totto …)
Réalisez vos achats sur et profitez d’une livraison à domicile partout au Maroc rapide, un service client irréprochable et des livres 100% originaux!