Children's Encyclopedia of Ocean Life9781789503623
  • Children's Encyclopedia of Ocean Life9781789503623

Children's Encyclopedia of Ocean Life

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Whether shark mad, dotty for dolphins or orca obsessed, this extraordinary encyclopedia has all you need to know about life beneath the ocean.

Full of fascinating facts and stunning sea life photography, this book covers everything from the ocean shores to deep sea creatures. Find out why octopuses release ink, why clownfish live in anemone tentacles and where can you find a halloween crab.

Based on the latest research, this definitive guide to ocean life includes easy-to-follow information on anatomy and behaviour of sea creatures. It also includes fun fact-boxes, with information you wouldn't believe! Perfect for children working on a school project, or simply the ocean obsessed, this book supports the key stage 2 (KS2) curriculum and is great for home learning. A brilliant guide for kids aged 8+

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